Like other foods, beers can contain harmful ingredients

Beers like food can contain harmful “ingredients.”. Beers that use ingredients best avoided include Miller, Budweiser, Guinness, etc… Something only has to be 95% organic to be listed as organic… The US is behind the rest of the world on GMO regulation…

My (Robert) commentary: It continues to be veeeery scary and disheartening that we allow our government to tolerate and encourage this, and that a government run by 100s of educated and individual human beings can allow this and sleep at night.

Note: This was originally a “reblog” – my first — and I hope I did this correctly without publishing belikewaterproduction’s work as my own, or adding my commentary in a way that I am attributing it to belikewaterproduction. All information in the first paragraph should be attributed to belikewaterproduction; the second paragraph of commentary is me).

Source: blog