You say Libertarian, I say Chaos

Why do so many Republicans and Libertarians remind me of Bradbury’s scary presidential candidate (Deutscher) in A Sound of Thunder? Ironically, Libertarians oppress people since it allows the corporations and Wealthy to do what they want, such as paying unlivable wages and pumping chemicals into food. If Libertarianism worked, there would be no need at all for society. I would call that chaos.

Harper Lee A Symbol That Ultimately We Have No Control

Harper Lee’s sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird is controversial – is she mentally capable of approving its publication?

I read To Kill A Mockingbird for the first time in 1984 and have read it a dozen times since. But I won’t read the pending sequel: if Harper Lee intended for it to be published she would have done so years ago, and every writer knows a work isn’t finished until the writer’s final edit/blessing. Like everything in the US, this smells to me like greed 😦

Lee’s situation is evidence that we can’t take anything to seriously in life – ultimately, time and death will remove every ounce of our control.